Winning Quotes | Daily Quotes | (Free Music No Copyright)

Winning Quotes | Daily Quotes |
(Free Music No Copyright)

Quote # 1:

“Show me a gracious loser
I’ll show you a failure.”

Quote # 2:
“Winning isn’t everything,
it’s the only thing.”

Quote # 3:
When you win, say nothing.
When you lose, say less.”

Quote # 4:
"“A champion is afraid of losing.
Everyone else is afraid of winning.”

Quote # 5:
George Steinbrenner
“Winning is the most important thing in my life,
after breathing. Breathing First, Winning Next.”

It’s true that life can be tough and difficult. It can be extremely difficult to maintain a positive attitude and remain optimistic when the going gets tough... But, a few wise words can do wonders for your overall well-being. Inspirational sayings can change the way you perceive this world we live in, and help you enjoy life to the fullest.
Positive quotes about life have the power to help you see the cup as half full, instead of half-empty!
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